The number of calls for help, from concerned parents and educators, kept growing. Could the Agudah possibly create a mentorship program for girls who are greatly in need of the positive ‘time & attention’? AIOI responded to these calls, and with the generous endowment of a concerned community member, KESHER was founded.
Kids & programming
Saving Lives - Just One Hour a Week

Now entering its 7th year, KESHER has provided mentorship for hundreds of girls. Mentorship, as attested to by the girl’s parents and teachers, which has literally changed lives – both at home and in the classroom.
Since its inception, KESHER has been under the direction of Mrs. Frumit Roberts.
At the start of each school year, all parents of girls in grades 6-8 at JDBY receive a letter informing them of the KESHER program. After responding indicating that they are interested in their daughter having a mentor, Mrs. Roberts discusses each request with Mrs. Bella Kaufman, JDBY Junior High Assistant Principal, to determine which students should be served and even which mentor would be best for each individual child.
The mentors, as a rule, are post-seminary girls so each girl is getting an adult figure with proper hashkafos they can interact with at their weekly meetings. During the last few years, a few hand-picked mentors were chosen from the12th grade at BYHSC to enable KESHER to service more girls.
Allmentors receive training before they meet their little sister, so they knowwithin which family parameters they can work with their charges. They also arein constant touch with Mrs. Roberts to see that things are going well orpossibly need some changes. All mentors also benefit from a KESHER email group,where they share ideas with their fellow mentors about what to do with theirgirls, where to go, where not to go and general information on how to make eachvisit a success.
Each mentor receives a generous weekly stipend to enable them to do thingswith their charges. In most cases it is vital for the girl to get out of thehouse for their time with their mentor. The money they receive makes thispossible and their time together all the more impactful and meaningful.