About Agudath Israel of Illinois
Jewish living doesn’t pause. Neither do we.

There’s a thriving hub of Torah life in the midwest. And behind that stands Agudah.
Smoothing paths. Creating programs. Finding funding. Addressing issues.
Our legacy
A century of advocacy
Agudah of Illinois Today
Our legacy
A century of advocacy
Agudah of Illinois Today
Meet the people behind the impact

Rabbi Ari Strulowitz
Director of Operations
Rabbi Ari Strulowitz first got involved in Agudath Israel of Illinois in 2013 with Camp Nageela Midwest, then a project of Agudath Israel of Illinois. In 2016, Rabbi Strulowitz began as Executive Director for Nageela

Mr. Moshe Davis
Executive Director
Mr. Moshe Davis comes from three generations of community leaders. His grandfather, Rabbi Shlomo Davis, was one of the founders of Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland and Telshe High School, serving as a member of the hanhala

Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
Director of Government Affairs
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka studied in Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Israel, Mir Yeshiva in Brooklyn, Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, and Yeshivas Mir in Jerusalem before moving to St. Louis in 2005.

Rabbi Yitzchok Bider
Executive Director
Rabbi Yitzchok Bider has been working for Agudath Israel of Illinois (of Chicago, when he first came on board) for the last 53 years. During that time he has served in numerous capacities ranging from Day Camp and Overnight camp director

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Executive Director Midwest Council of Synagogue Rabbonim
Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, a Chicago native, is a musmach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. In 2006 he and his family moved to Cincinnati where he became a Kollel member and later the assistant Rabbi of Cong.
A stronger Agudah Illinois is a stronger midwest
Since 1993, we have guided and supported 17 communities across the country.
Map showing Agudah midwest reach, with location markers that show contact info
Antonia Spitzer Jewish Library
7,500 Books available to 3,200+ members

Midwest Agudah Convention
1,000+ attendees
Tax Credit Scholarship Program
2000 scholarships received. $100M to the community
School transportation grant
Over 2,500 students relying on busing
Midwest Council of Synagogue Rabbonnim
90 rabbonim across 11 states and 17 cities
H-3 Business Halacha Summit
700+ business leaders
at the national H3 Business Halacha Summit
Maot Chitim
600+ families assisted every yom tov
Bais Horaah
9,600+ shailos answered annually
Multiplying the impact of every dollar raised
Agudah is instrumental in bringing the community $48.9M each year, on a budget of $2.9M.
Our revenue:
Total revenue: $2.9M
Our expenses:
Total expenses: $2.9M
Be first to know about helpful programs, new funding, and what’s going on in our halls of government